At our meeting on August 4, 2022, we welcomed Chaplain Nacy McConnell from the American Legion Leonard Moore Post 71 in Clayton. They have provided their Color Guard at our Flags For Heroes events for the past two years. At the meeting, Club President Dana Wooten and member Leigh Malloy presented Nacy with our Club’s donation of $500 to the American Legion Leonard Moore Post 71.
Chaplain Nacy McConnell – American Legion Check Presentation
by Dina R. Love | Aug 6, 2022 | Check Presentations, Flags For Heroes | 4 comments

My name is Claudia Jackson Mccune. I’m a old friend of you’re Chaplin Nacy Mcconnell at you’re #71 post. Could you please give you my email address, and cell number. I’d very much like to reconnect with him. I live in Benson,n.c.
My email is : [email protected]
My cell number is: 252-274-2528
Thank you for you’re help.
Replied to Claudia via email.
I’m sorry I didn’t see you’re email about contacting Navy McConnell. Could you please email me again .
[email protected]
Sent email 2:49 pm 12/9/2022 from Clayton Rotary gmail account. Check spam folder if you don’t see it.