Clayton Rotary “Out and About”
When our Club members are out and about and not at a club-attended or sponsored function where they would expect to see another Rotarian and randomly run into another Rotarian, whether from our club or not, they are to take a selfie with that person and submit it with the details of the encounter. We are doing this to show all the fun our Rotarians get up to and how easy it is to come across another Rotarian randomly. We’re making it a little contest to give them an incentive to take the photo! We often hear about these encounters at our meetings but don’t see the proof. As the saying goes, “Pics or it didn’t happen.”
Out And About #1:
Our first photo comes from member Carter Manning Wade and Past President John Long. Both were volunteering with hundreds of other volunteers at the SAS Championship, a golf tournament on the PGA Tour Champions, held at the Prestonwood Country Club in Cary. The tournament, held on Saturday, October 14, 2023, raises charitable giving to support area youth educational initiatives, with the YMCA of the Triangle being the host charitable organization. What are the odds they would run into each other but also get assigned to work the same hole? Carter worked as a Marshall, telling people to please be quiet, which was no easy feat given their Hole #17 was serving alcohol and much partying was going on, but she did her job well! John and his wife were assigned to work hospitality checking IDs. John’s wife, Beth, took the photo for them.
(L) to (R): Carter Wade and Johnny Long
Out And About #2:
Our second Out and About submitted photo comes from Club Programs Chair Donna McDowell White, who happened to run into Club President James Woodall. Both showed up at the pancake breakfast fundraiser put on by Boy Scouts Troop 24 in Clayton on Saturday, November 4, 2023, and took a photo with Troop 24 leader Scott Carroll. Great job supporting the Boy Scouts, Donna and James!
(L) to (R): Scott Carroll, Donna McDowell White, and James Woodall.
Out And About #3:
Our third Out and About submitted photo comes from Club Past President Jim Perricone. On Saturday, December 23, 2023, Jim and his wife Sara stopped for gas at the Speedway on Brightleaf Blvd before boarding the Amtrak in Selma, bound for Washington, DC, to see family for the holiday. Past President/Past District Asst. Governor Charles Marcom was in Smithfield with his daughters visiting family and stopped for gas at the same Speedway.
This chance encounter is the perfect “Out and About:” Two Clayton Rotarians and family running into each other in Smithfield!
(L) to (R): Charles Marcom, Sara Perricone, and Jim Perricone
Out And About #4:
Our fourth Out and About submitted photo comes from Club member Justin Beers. Justin was at the Clayton Rec Center playing pickleball and ran into Carol Houston! They have run into each other twice at pick-up pickleball games but forgot to take a photo the first time!
(L) to (R): Carole Houston and Justin Beers.
Out And About #5:
Our fifth Out and About submitted photo comes from Club member Justin Beers, who has now submitted his second Out and About photo! Justin was out to dinner at the Clayton Steakhouse when he spotted Past President Stewart McLeod on Thursday, January 18, 2024.
(L) to (R): Stewart McLeod and Justin Beers.
Out And About #6:
Our sixth Out and About submitted photo comes from Club Membership Chair Michelle Sanders, who ran into a long-time Club member and current member of the Town of Clayton Town Council, Ruth Anderson, while shopping at Costco on the morning of February 26, 2024.
(L) to (R): Ruth Anderson, Michelle Sanders
Out And About #7:
Our seventh Out and About photo was submitted by Club Member Carrie Walker, who attended the Anne Frank exhibit at Clayton Middle School. She is pictured here with Club Programs Chair and NC House Representative Donna McDowell White and Club members Pondra and Eddie Byrd, who also attended the exhibit.
(L) to (R): Donna McDowell White, Carrie Walker, Pondra Byrd, and Eddie Byrd.
Out And About #8:
Our eighth Out and About photo was submitted by Club Treasurer Kristen Feld, who ran into Past President/Past District Asst. Governor Charles Marcom (literally, she tells us) at the Clayton Post Office on March 7, 2024.
(L) to (R): Charles Marcom and Kristen Feld.
Out And About #9:
Our nineth Out and About photo was submitted by Immediate Past President Dana Wooten who ran into Club member Rick Mercier and Past President Michael Sims at the Clayton Civitan’s annual Oyster Fest on Club Treasurer Kristen Feld, who ran into Past President/Past District Asst. Governor Charles Marcom (literally, she tells us) at the Clayton Post Office on March 16, 2024.
(L) to (R): Rick Mercier, Dana Wooten, and Michael Sims.
Out And About #10:
Our tenth Out and About photo was submitted by Past President/Past District Governor Leigh Hudson. Around midday on Friday, April 26, he ran into Club Honorary Member Joyce Blackley in downtown Clayton. Joyce was on her way to get her hair done, and Leigh and his wife Karen were on their way to the Clayton Chamber.
(L) to (R): Leigh Hudson and Joyce Blackley.
Out And About #11:
Our eleventh Out and About photo was submitted by Club Sergeant-at-Arms Greg Adamson, who was out on Friday evening, April 26, 2024, with some friends at Draft and Vine. He ran into Club member Eric Rabuse with his dog (sadly not in the photo) at the Brick Landing Calabash Seafood Co. food truck, which was the food truck for the evening at Draft & Vine.
(L) to (R): Eric Rabuse and Greg Adamson.
Out And About #12:
Our twelvth Out and About photo was submitted by Club Sergeant-at-Arms Greg Adamson, who was out on Friday evening, April 26, 2024, with some friends at Draft and Vine. He ran into Club member Eric Rabuse with his dog (sadly not in the photo) at the Brick Landing Calabash Seafood Co. food truck, which was the food truck for the evening at Draft & Vine.
(L) to (R): Eric Rabuse and Greg Adamson.
Out And About #13:
Our thirteenth Out and About photo was submitted by Immediate Past President Dana Wooten, who was going out to eat with member Melissa Overton on May 18, 2024. They ran into member Emory Howard, who was at Eggs Up Grill in Clayton with his family.
(L) to (R, ): Club Immediate Past President Dana Wooten, Club member Melissa Overton, and Club member Emory Howard.
Out And About #14:
Our fourteenth Out and About photo was submitted by Immediate Past President Dana Wooten, who attended the 540 Outer Loop Groundbreaking with member Ruth Anderson. One of our members, Pastor Michael Tolar, was asked to give the invocation, and they knew he would be there. What they didn’t expect was to run into Club Programs Chair and NC House Representative Donna McDowell White and Club member Rick Mercier. Dana said everyone was surprised to see everyone else there.
(L) to (R): Club member Ruth Anderson, Club member Michael Tolar, Club member Rick Mercier, Club Past President Dana Wooten, and Club Programs Chair Donna McDowell White.
Out And About #15:
Our fifteenth Out and About photo was submitted by Past President Marty Bizzell, who ran into Past President/Past District 7710 Assistant Governor Charles Marcom and his family at the Wolfpack Club’s Clayton Celebration at the Deep River Brewing Company on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. They are taking their photo op with all the hardware from the ACC Tournament and the run to the Final Four!
(L) to (R ): Charles Marcom and Marty Bizzell
Out And About #16:
Our sixteenth Out and About photo was submitted by Club President James Woodall, who was at Clayton High School to present scholarships from our Club to graduating seniors at their scholarship awards night on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. James ran into new member Jeff Sullivan. James said, “We didn’t know that each of us was presenting different scholarships.”
(L) to (R): James Woodall and Jeff Sullivan.
Out And About #17:
Our seventeenth Out and About photo was submitted by Club President James Woodall, who was at Clayton High School to present scholarships to graduating seniors on their scholarship awards night when he ran into Immediate Past President Dana Wooten and Club member Emory Howard.
(L) to (R): Club President James Woodall, Immediate Past President Dana Wooten, and Club member Emory Howard.
Out And About #18:
Club President James Woodall submitted our eighteenth Out and About photo. Immediate Past President Dana Wooten and Past President Stewart McLeod ran into each other while working out at Woodall’s Fitness and Performance Center at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. James said, “They didn’t know the other was going to be there.”
(L) to (R): Immediate Past President Dana Wooten and Past President Stewart McLeod.
Out And About #19:
Our nineteenth Out and About photo was submitted by Club member Melissa Overton, who was out to dinner in downtown Clayton on Friday, May 31, 2024. On the last Friday of each month, the Town of Clayton holds “Last Friday” to promote businesses; there is a farmer’s market, businesses stay open late, and restaurants have dinner specials. Melissa was out with Club Immediate Past President Dana Wooten, Club Secretary Lynn Roman, Club Rotary Foundation Chair Mike Mullins and his wife Valerie. The group ran into Club Past President and Rotary District 7710 Past District Governor/current District Treasurer Leigh Hudson and his wife, Club member Karen Hudson, who were eating across the street!
(L) to (R): Mike Mullins, Dana Wooten, Melissa Overton, Karen Hudson, Leigh Hudson, and Lynn Roman.
Out And About #20:
Our nineteenth Out and About photo is a past presidents golf fest! It was submitted by Past President John Long, who was volunteering with his wife at the 2024 US Open at the Pinehurst Golf Resort all four days from June 13 to June 16. On Saturday, June 15, 2024, they ran into Past President Michael Sims, who was attending with his brother in law, and Past President Marty Bizzell, who was attending with his son.
(L) to (R): Marty Bizzell, Michael Sims, and Johnny Long.
Out And About #21:
Immediate Past President James Woodall submitted our twenty-first Out and About photo. He said he bumped into new Community Service Chair Valerie Weaver in downtown Clayton on June 28, 2024, at the Town’s “Last Friday” event. He was on the walking tour, and she and her husband were going to dinner at the Clayton Steakhouse.
(L) to (R): Valerie Weaver and James Woodall.
Out And About #22:
Our twenty-second Out and About photo was submitted by Club Member Justin Beers. He was leaving Boba Beans Bistro in Flowers when he ran into Immediate Past President Dana Wooten. Dana Wooten was on the phone with Past President Jim Perricone.
(L) to (R): Dana Wooten and Justin Beers.
Out And About #23:
Our twenty-third Out and About photo was submitted by member Eric Rabuse, who ran into member Artem Lopatchenko at Hudson’s Hardware & Outdoor Equipment in Clayton on July 9, 2024. The location of this Out and About encounter is spot on for these two since Eric has a new house, and Artem is one of the owners of Ace Handyman Services Greater Triangle and Johnston County and is always fixing something!
(L) to (R): Eric Rabuse and Artem Lopatchenko
Out And About #24:
Our twenty-fourth Out and About photo was submitted by Past President Dana Wooten, who was with member Melissa Overton at the ‘Sundown in Downtown’ concert in Benson to see Liquid Pleasure, Dana’s favorite when they ran into member Lee Dunn. The Benson Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. annually puts on the free concert series at The Benson Singing Grove.
(L) to (R): Lee Dunn, Dana Wooten, and Melissa Overton
Out And About #25:
Our twenty-fifth Out and About photo was submitted by Immediate Past President James Woodall, who was at Woodall’s Fitness and Performance Center Night at the Clayton Clovers Baseball Club game on Sunday, July 21, 2024. He ran into Club Secretary/President-Nominee Greg Adamson, whom he didn’t know would be attending.
(L) to (R): Greg Adamson, and James Woodall.
Out And About #26:
Immediate Past President James Woodall submitted our twenty-sixth Out and About photo. On Monday, July 22, 2024, Club member Stuart Denham trained at 6:00 a.m. at Woodall’s Fitness and Performance Center, while Past President Stewart McLeod trained at 6:30 a.m. Neither knew the other would be there.
(L) to (R): Stuart Denham, James Woodall, and Stewart McLeod.